Answers ® WikiAnswers ® Categories Cars & Vehicles Auto Parts and Repairs Why is iron used in cars? ... Iron is used to make the steel, which most cars frames, ...
Before iron ore can be used in a blast ... Scrap iron and steel—in the form of old cars, appliances and even entire steel-girdered buildings—are also an ...
Aug 16, 2007· Depends on the manufacture and the type of car, a smaller car will use a lighter weight steel, where a large truck will use heavy iron for the frame and ...
The Cars in Iron Man's Garage ... Audi took this opportunity for so much screen time seriously and created a microsite devoted to “Iron Man” and the cars used in ...
Ever since primitive man learned how to smelt iron about 3,000 ... Iron or Aluminum Engines? Debate Continues * First Of ... automobile engines have been made ...
What Kind of Metals Are Cars Made From? ... Iron is also used to make cars. Iron was used more often in the past and has been used less in modern car manufacturing ...
Uses of Iron. Iron is a metallic ... It is recyclable and is used in aircrafts and automobiles. The use of stainless steel and iron in this form makes every ...
Transport and technology ... Minerals used to make cars Cars are made from many different minerals. Their steel body is made from the iron-rich minerals like ...
Jan 21, 2008· What type of Steel are Cars made of? What's used traditionally, what's used currently, what types of steel will be used in the future? I ...
Learn about different scrap metals from Non ... From cars, trucks, other vehicles, make sure that they are free of oil and ... Whole or particle cast iron auto or ...
Cars - building a car Many minerals are needed to make a car. Iron is used to make steel. It makes up the bulk of the car, and comes from minerals like magnetite and ...
Even in a narrow range of concentrations of mixtures of carbon and iron that make a steel, ... it is still the main material for car bodies. Steel is used in a ...
Automobiles are mainly iron; "tin" cans are iron covered with thin coatings of tin or lacquer; ... where eddy currents make the use of iron impossible.
Most of the metal used to make cars is steel, which is an alloy of iron and carbon, explains HowStuffWorks. Aluminum is the second-most used metal in the automobile ...
Car bodies Steel. Most iron is converted into steel - an alloy - before being used. Compared to iron, steel is: harder and stronger; less likely to corrode - rust
Pig iron of a type used to make ... pig iron was typically poured directly out of the bottom of the blast furnace through a trough into a ladle car for transfer ...
Cast iron and iron alloys known as steel were the basic metal components of the first cars. Lighter and stronger metals such as aluminum and magnesium are used for ...
Major consumers of steel include the automobile and shipbuilding industries, ... 2500 BCE: Iron is used on a large scale for the first time by the Hittites ...
May 01, 2009· Alloys or metals in use for engine production ... or cast iron while petrol engines can use the ... but did not make them suitable for car and truck use.
Most of the iron produced is then used to make steel. Steel is used to make automobiles, locomotives, ships, beams used in buildings, furniture, paper clips, ...
Iron has many uses being,the most common metal of scociety. * making cars,trucks and vans * making steel * making building suppotrs ... What is iron used for in the ...
About 98% of world iron ore production is used to make iron in the form of steel. Iron ore provides the foundation for one of Australia’s major export industries.
Iron is also used to make cars. Iron was used more often in the past and has been used less in modern car manufacturing because it is heavy. That being said, ...
Why are diesel car engines made of iron rather than other metals? ... diesels use compact graphite and iron for ... and the need to make diesel cars more ...
The metal used for making most of the car bodies is steel. Steel is manufactured by mixing iron and carbon. This combination makes it harder and stronger than pure ...